Our Services

  • Job Placement Representation

    We are your personal agent as you look to start your professional career! The LC is partnered with a variety of employers across the country looking for talented candidates like yourself. We will review your desired positions and locations of employment to find the perfect match for you. Once companies are identified, we will coach you through the interview process, ensuring you nail all the details and stand out versus other candidates.

  • Mentorship

    The Letterman’s Club offers you a host of resources, primarily through our Mentors. Each Mentor is a former college athlete, has a substantial amount of work experience in a specific industry. They can provide a list of reputable companies for you to target, coach you through the interview process, provide relevant resources to study, and potentially aid in networking and/or an internal referral. Once you select a Mentor to work with a per session fee will be coordinated.*

    *Networking and Internal Referrals are at the Mentor’s discretion

  • Profile Review

    Resume and LinkedIn Alterations

    Our Recruiting expert will review your resume and Linkedin profile to make it most appealing to employers.

Work with a Mentor Today

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